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Cat Howell

Money Magic - Official Training

Money Magic - Official Training

Regular price $88.00 USD
Regular price $111.00 USD Sale price $88.00 USD
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Get in the greens with your money.   

Accelerate your results with instant access to Cat's bestselling Money Magic training.  This was the workshop that inspired the book itself. 

Includes instant access to: 

2022 - three part training: The foundations to shifting the relationship you have with money. Plus, how to stretch into new surpluses and income levels (even when it feels out of reach and full of doubt)

2023 - four-part training: Receiving without the sacrifice, mutually beneficial co-creation between you and your money...

2024 three-part training: How to navigate financial chaos or uncertainty and create big value exchanges that won't burn you out. 

Instant, lifetime access. 

Digital format. 

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My journey with money has been a rollercoaster to say the least.

From growing up in scarcity and feeling the financial anxiety of my parents...

To hustling for cash (with nothing to show for when all was said and done)...

To being financially dependant on others, then financially responsible for others...

To making multiple eight figures through overwhelm and burn out...

And "failing" and rebuilding it all.

Through it all I have experienced what it is like to to feel burdened by debt.

I know what it is like to stay wide awake at night wondering how to bills will get paid.

To know money as the bane of existence...

I also know what it is like to receive sums I only ever dreamed of as a child. To be nurtured and expanded through cash. To find joy and ease with both spending and earning.

Money Magic was launched three years ago and was an instant success for participants.

Inside the workshop I shared the perspective and behavioural shifts I had made to turn an otherwise antagonistic relationship into a playful one.


🐉 How to leverage financial anxiety to your advantage...

🐉 How to get money off your mind and into your bank account...

🐉 Easy actions to implement that will create an almost shift in your financial circumstances...

Come and experience the magic for yourself

Hey, my name is Cat!

I - like most people - grew up with so many messed up ideas and beliefs about what money is and how it works and as a result struggled with loads of fears, doubts and anxieties for most of my adult life. Everything changed when I began to truly understand the resonance of this resource.

Money Magic is a body of work I WISHED I had access to all those years ago, my intention is to help you shift your own relationship to money into one that feels expansive, safe and abundant.

It would be an honor to share with you a the behind the scenes on my own practice, and show you its evolution throughout the years.

x Cat

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Frequently Asked Questions


How will I receive my training?

You will receive instant access to logins for an online training portal which contains replays from the 2022, 2023, and 2024 Money Magic workshops. Lifetime access. Can be accessed on all browsers.

What's included in the training?

Your purchase includes instant access to the 2022, 2023, and 2024 Money magic workshop replays (9 videos in total) as well as accompanying exercises, pathworkings and activations. Lifetime access to training portal.

How does this work with Money Magic the book?

This training is what inspired the book Money Magic and will help you to accelerate results.

The mind that can imagine a dragon is the one that can command its treasure

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